Renovascular hypertension

Renovascular hypertension is high blood pressure that is caused by narrowing of one the blood vessels supplying the kidney or any its branches.

Renal artery stenosis

Renal artery stenosis is narrowing of any of the vessels supplying blood flow to the kidneys.


Multidisciplinary refers to a team approach that includes experts from a number of different fields to address a particular topic or problem. In medicine, a multidisciplinary team includes doctors who have trained in different specialties whose combined input is used in order provide the best care for a patient.

Midaortic syndrome

Midaortic syndrome is narrowing of the aorta, the main blood vessel that supplies blood to the body. Commonly there is associated narrowing of branches of the aorta, including those that supply the kidneys or the digestive system.


H&H is an abbreviation for hemoglobin and hematocrit, which are laboratory values that help your doctor determine the status of the bodies red blood cells, which are responsible for delivering oxygen to your body’s tissues. Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen. Hematocrit is the proportion of red blood cells in the fluid compartment (plasma) of your blood.

Endovascular technique

Endovascular technique refers to a procedure that use catheters (flexible tubes) that are advanced through blood vessels to help diagnose and treat vascular (blood vessel) and other diseases.


Electrolytes are minerals that exist in the blood and other compartments of your body. Common electrolytes include, but are not limited to, sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. All of our bodies function best when these electrolytes are maintained in a narrow range. Your doctor may order a blood test to assess electrolytes to ensure that no abnormalities are present.